February 24, 2012

Becky Solo Review: Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey is every period film lover’s ultimate dream for a new show to become addicted to. If you are not watching it……THAT IS SHAMEFUL. In all seriousness though, it is not too late to get caught up. Most people have Netflix accounts nowadays, and if you don’t—here it comes again—THAT IS SHAMEFUL, and the first season is on there while the second is still available for viewing on the following Masterpiece Classic web site: Downton Abbey
While this show comes highly recommended by moi, I would feel awful if I ruined any details for upcoming viewers (which I’m confident in my powers of persuasion to convert people into die-hard fans). With that being said, I will try to give a brief synopsis of the show followed by a character breakdown to intrigue and motivate potential viewers.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey is a historical look into the lives of an aristocratic family and their servants in 18th century England. Season 1 sets up the family dynamic as well as the differences between the classes. The ensemble cast and writers do an amazing job with splitting and intertwining the complex relationships between the family members and servants. For example, one of the many plot points raging upstairs involves Lord Grantham’s day-to-day dealings with his three girls while coming to terms with the Downton inheritance unexpectedly passing to Matthew Crawley after his heir dies tragically upon the Titanic. Downstairs, we are thrust into the roles of the servants and their intimate connections with members of the Crawleys, who are not only their employers but also their friends. You take all this in and more within the first episode.  
Now for fans who have already become obsessed, I will try to express my feelings about the characters I cannot stand, the ones I love to hate and the ones that have my heart.

Those who have my heart:
1) Anna-She is perhaps the most adorable and loyal, but not in a gutless pansy way (the “I don’t have a brain in my skull but I’m awful cute). She truly has the entire package. I will now adorn my ANNA & BATES 4-EVA T-shirt!
2) Bates-He is introduced in the first episode and WE (yes, I speak for everyone…..how could people not love him?) fell in love with him. He is charming and dare I say SEXY….Now, as to whether HE DID or DIDN’T DO IT (viewers who are caught up on the second season are aware of this storyline), I believe he did not!
Side Note: No one in this series is “Perfect.” They are all flawed and your loyalties flip flop as the series continues, because just like with real people, some days you love them and other days you wish to eradicate them. Can I get a “True Dat!”
3) Sybil-She is the youngest sister of the three Crawley girls and wins you over when she can no longer sit on the sidelines and becomes political and proactive, caring for everyone from a lady’s maid to a wounded soldier.  
4) LAVINIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!
5) Patmore-the sassy cook!
6) WILLIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why William? Why?
Characters who best watch out or they will lose my love forever:
1) Daisy-She is driving me insane! I know she is supposed to be endearing in her morality but it almost comes across as being daft and slightly heartless. Aka….William.
2) Mary-the eldest daughter. She sways between irksome, rude, and then miraculously you feel like she is carrying the show. She has a knack for leaving you befuddled.
3) Matthew-Stop being wishy-washy…..it is the quickest way to piss me off.
4) O’Bryan-Bar of Soap (That is all I gotz to say!) Intrigued, eh? You just have to watch to find out about this notorious bar of soap.
Hate with a burning passion:
1) He is ALMOST as infuriating as Shane from The Walking Dead but not quite. He is the valet. And the only character on this show that can make me scream expletives at the television set! Truly, he is heinous!

Well! That is my take on Downton Abbey. Leave comments to give me your take on a particular character or just the show in general.
John knows nothing about Downton Abbey, and so cannot give an opposing view. However, stay tuned for our verdict on The Walking Dead.

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