February 19, 2012

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part I

My on again-off again relationship to the phenomenon that is Twilight!
Then you will become familiar with John’s (my husband's) LIMITED knowledge of the Twilight universe via the small snippets I have made him consume with me over the past four years.  
I find myself slightly embarrassed when I go into FYE and am bombarded by a large display of Twilight memorabilia….aka a music box, water bottle (with your choice of Edward or Jacob’s bod), and a random brooch. Now, as I say this the two-disc Breaking Dawn movie pack was beckoning me to buy it. Now, I would have never bought one such memorabilia, but I will say that at 4:00 in the morning this past Black Friday extravaganza, I was incredibly close to buying the cardboard standup of Edward while planning all the places I could hide it in the apartment to witness John’s mental breakdown once he found it. (The shower was going to be the premiere place to commence the great fright of 2011.)
While I fight my urge to become an obsessed fan, I will proudly say I have been in attendance for all four Twilight midnight premieres, but I have a love/hate relationship with this franchise.
Book Comments
It was a wonderful book series to read in college. I have had countless conversations with friends about the qualities in both Edward and Jacob (e.g. Edward is a controlling voyeur while Jacob is an immature douche.) The books were great when you didn’t dwell on any particular details.Biggest Sham Detail: Eclipse is my favorite book out of the four. I feel like Stephenie Meyer finally took the plunge to put the Team Edward/Team Jacob quarrel to rest for good. However, the way she did it was ridiculous and makes me angry! John and I have had several conversations about fantasy fiction and how it works best when authors write fantastical storylines such as the werewolf and vampire phenomenon but it HAS TO BE based on believable human emotion and behavior. The problem I have with this is Stephenie Meyer doesn’t hold to this principle one iota.
I find it difficult to believe that Bella would agree to marry Edward and then a couple of days later turn around and make out with Jacob. As someone who was recently proposed to and accepted……I can’t imagine that is possible. Bella acts in ways that contradicts how Stephenie Meyer wrote her to behave and how normal people behave.
Now, the books were in no way the greatest writing of our time (which no doubt John will mention something about Stepehie Meyer’s writing ability….I will rebuke that now by saying NO ONE went into reading this book series (a series about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire) thinking, "Oh my! This is going to be the supreme book of the 21st century! It's so deep and thoughtful! It could possibly change my views on faith and my ability to know true love!"
Film Comments
The books along with the films are simply entertaining. Are any of the films a cinematic work of art? The answer would be…no! Is it the most well-known franchise after Harry Potter….that’s a big 10-4.
My problems are as follows:
1)    Why on God’s green earth did they cast a brunette to play Rosalie who is supposed to be the most beautiful blonde? I can barely watch her in the first movie without cringing from the hellacious wig!
2)    Kristen Stewart is a bad actress. I would love to elaborate with a list of examples from the films but instead I will let all four films make my point for me. The insanely distracting lip-biting and heavy breathing in the first movie in enough to upset any movie goer.
3)    Here is a silly but legit complaint: I apparently was not reading New Moon closely enough when Stephenie Meyer was describing the wolf pack. When I think of werewolves I think of just that (half man, half wolf.) I think of Lycans from Underworld, Professor Lupin from Harry Potter, Scott from Teen Wolf, or Josh from Being Human. They all have the body structure of a man with wolf-like features. I was apparently high while I was reading and THAT is what I thought I could expect from New Moon the movie. To say I was disappointed when I first watched the trailer is an understatement. She called them werewolves, but for all intents and purposes they are shape shifters. Boo Stephenie Meyer….Boo!
Now for all my random ramblings I will forever watch these films and perhaps even re-read my favorite parts of Eclipse once in a blue moon. I will say they are flawed but pure enjoyment BUT to say they are AWFUL which John will no doubt try to do is balderdash.

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